Welcome to IMPACT!
Grace United Methodist Church proudly presents our Youth Group! IMPACT stands for Influencing My Peers As a Christian Teen! We have a Facebook Group page that the youth participate in weekly with different posts written by our leaders Ingrid Mossbarger or Fiera Myers (they’re sister’s). Ingrid’s husband Jesse also participates when a male presence is needed. The youth room has many games and is a very “chill” environment to learn about God and worship him through good, clean fun!
Right now, we are studying the book of Genesis to get a better grasp on the foundation of The Holy Bible. Our meetings typically are the last Sunday of the Month from 5 pm – 7 pm at Grace United Methodist Church in the Youth Room. Our age ranges are from 12 – 18 and from 18 – 20 they become junior youth leaders (if they would like to continue to participate and strengthen their relationship with God through service).
Our goal is to encourage the younger generations to explore their faith and be able to have a strong relationship with God moving into their adult lives.
This scripture is our motto:
Romans 1:11-12 (NIV)
For I want very much to see you, so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthen you, that is to be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine.